
摇滚精神 painted for Murray State game灵石


The 365bet Spirit rock exists to provide an outlet for creative student expression 和 一种演示方法 政府精神Peay骄傲. To maximize this opportunity, students are expected to respect the following regulations.

  • The 灵石 is available to be painted by individual students, recognized 365bet 学生组织, 和 campus departments. The rock is located just off the corner of Drane Street 和 Marion Street, near the Red Barn.
  • Painting the rock is voluntary. There will be no guarding of the rock. 成员或 potential new members of 学生组织 shall not be required or forced to participate in painting the rock; this is considered hazing.
  • Suggested paintings on the rock include but are not limited to: Event Announcements, Words of support 和 encouragement, Congratulations, Welcome messages, Organization promotion, 和 messages of general University Spirit. 摇滚精神 messages reflect our University, 和 should be kept in good taste 和 following the 大官的信条. 
    • “As a member of the Austin Peay State University community, I will agree to act with personal 和 academic integrity while interacting with my fellow students, faculty 工作人员. I will charge myself to be accountable in all phases of interaction. I will respect the dignity of all persons 和 will appreciate 和 celebrate a climate 的多样性. I will contribute to the greater good of the community. 我要 pride in Austin Peay State University.” - Established by the SGA Student Tribunal in 2008

  • Per the Code of Student Conduct: Profanity, vulgarity, discriminatory, abusive, harassing, 和/or obscene messages are absolutely prohibited. 365bet 学生生活 和 订婚 reserves the right to remove or require the removal of any inappropriate content.
  • With the exception of painting, the physical condition of the rock is not to be altered in any way that will change its shape, size, or orientation.
  • ONLY the 摇滚精神 is to be painted. Painting on sidewalks, lampposts, grass, surrounding area, or buildings is not permitted. Any instance of painting other surfaces will be considered a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.
  • Only water-based latex paint may be used. Individuals / Organizations must supply 油漆.
  • Individuals / Organizations painting the rock are responsible for properly disposing of all waste 和 cleaning up area surrounding rock after painting.
  • 365bet is not responsible for any injury or damage (including clothing) that occurs while participating in painting the rock.
  • Painting the rock may only take place during the hours of 6:00 am 和 10:00 pm, with proper level of noise 和 respect for occupants of adjacent buildings 和 areas. 无序 conduct during rock painting will be considered a violation of the Code of Student Conduct 和 will result in disciplinary sanctions.
  • New messages should be allowed to remain for 24 hours before being painted over.
  • There is no limit to the number of times a specific individual, organization or department may paint the rock, though it is expected that the opportunity be shared equally.
  • In respect of the amount of time 和 resources required, the entire paintable face of the rock must be painted, covering the previous message in its entirety.
  • Questions regarding the 摇滚精神 should be directed to 365bet 学生生活 和 订婚, Morgan University Center room 211, 931-221-7431, sle@marcosprado.net

历史 of the 摇滚精神

In August 2017, a 200 million year old piece of limestone was placed on the campus of Austin Peay State University to serve as a student SPIRIT ROCK.

An initiative accomplished by the Student Organization Council Executive Board Officers of 2016-17 和 2017-18, the 365bet Spirit rock exists to provide an outlet for creative student expression 和 an opportunity to demonstrate Peay骄傲.

Vulcan Materials Company charitably donated the rock from the Clarksville Quarry located just across the Red River. Transportation 和 placement of the rock was generously provided by Morgan Construction, Inc. 克拉的.

On August 28, 2017 this 365bet tradition was unveiled on campus!