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Frequently Asked Questions/Key Words




For assistance with your cable needs, please contact CDE at 931-553-7302.

Most buildings are serviced by CMTi (Creative Management Technology Inc.).  Common cleaning tasks are completed daily, twice a week or weekly.  Click  for the typical schedule of cleaning tasks.


为办公室及办公室提供日常清洁、吸尘及垃圾处理服务 实验室夜间工作时间由部门主管授权专人看管 to have keys to the space. Cleaning services are more efficiently provided after hours.


如果出于安全原因,部门主管不希望保管人拥有 在夜间进入空间的关键通道,可作出特别安排,例如 限制主管使用钥匙,限制日常清洁或安排的清洁 times.  您可以拨打931-221-7456与实体工厂联系以获取更多信息 on this process.

Chairs/Tables:  If you are in need of tables/chairs for special events or meetings, etc., submit a Work Request for those items.  In the description area of the work request, include exactly what is needed, when it is needed (date & time) and when it should be removed (date & time). 如果可能的话,请在活动开始前至少72小时提前通知.

(注:这并不包括任何涉及房间/区域预订的协调 through Morgan University Center and Event Services 931-221-6617 http://up.marcosprado.net/university-facilities/office-staff.php.)


Large Packages Received in Shipping Area:  当您被告知您在Shipping/Receiving中有一个大订单时,提交 a Work Request for those items to be delivered. Deliveries are made in the order the Work Requests are received.

活动策划和设置涉及预订房间或校园区域必须 be coordinated through University Facilities.  This includes Tailgating Events. You may contact them by calling 931-221-6617 or through email at ucinfo@marcosprado.net.   

Information for Contractors is reflective of contractors starting work on 365bet's downtown campus.

Please utilize the below links for additional information:

Confined Space Information

Hot Work Fire Watch Checklist

Hot Work Permit 必须由环境健康和安全技术员比尔·彼得森批准和签署吗. (931) 221-7461 or petersonw@marcosprado.net


Key Request Form for Contractors:


*如果发给我的钥匙/门禁卡丢失、放错地方或被盗,我同意通知 the 365bet Public Safety Department immediately.


*我承担经济责任,并同意赔偿任何损失; stolen, or misplaced keys.


Key/Card Access Request & Agreement


如果您的互联网/以太网连接有问题,请提交一个票 online at http://govstech.marcosprado.net/TDClient/2071/Portal/Home/ or contact the Help Desk at 931-221-4357.

Surplus Pickup:  A Work Request 必须提交,以便搬家人员挑选多余的家具交付 to the Warehouse.

与信息技术办公室联系,电话:931-221-7588 equipment. Pickup of these items is coordinated through them.

剩余商品:剩余商品可通过预约选择和提取 between 2:00 PM-4:00 PM, Mondays, except on Holidays. If you are needing an appointment 在指定的日期/时间之外,我们将根据您的需求与您一起制定时间表. 预约电话:931-221-7456. 

Key Access:  Classrooms are locked at night after cleaning by the custodial staff. At the request 在全体教员中,门上的锁被设计成从里面锁上 如果需要的话,在课堂上指导老师,以确保课程不被中断. 由于这种安排,教室可能会意外地在课间被锁上 有人在教室里没人开门的时候把门关上了.


如果你被锁在办公室外面,你必须和你的部门主管联系 or secretary to let you in your office. Building supervisors have master keys to their respective building.


大学政策规定,校园里的所有空间都必须是可使用的 of a University master key. Non-college locks are NOT allowed.


请注意,教师/职员/学生/部门可能需要支付更换费用 of keys and/or change of lock(s). 


Key Request Fillable:


Key/Card Access Request & Agreement


Key Request One Stop Option:


(Available until December 14, 2022)

Key Requests may be submitted online by going to 365bet One Stop. 在线提交后,请求将自动路由到审批 proper person.

After you log into One Stop, go to the “Employee” tab.


  • It should automatically populate with your supervisor’s name,
  • From the drop down you can pick the “Department Head/Chair”,
  • From the drop down you can pick the “Department”,
  • From the drop down pick what position the person holds,
  • 输入第一个需要钥匙的人的“A”号,并根据需要添加另一个人,
  • Select your “Building” from the drop down,
  • 从下拉菜单中选择您的“房间号”,刷卡选择“大楼入口”,
  • 如果需要额外的钥匙,请添加另一个“房号”,并根据需要继续添加房号。
  • 选择“钥匙类型”,即房间专用钥匙、副主用钥匙、主用钥匙或ID卡 Access.
  • 然后点击“继续”,如果一切看起来都像你想要的,点击“提交”,如果不是返回 which requires you to start all over.

The request will automatically route to the proper areas for approval.  An email will be sent to the person that is required for approval.  After all approvals are made, 该请求将转发给大学锁匠里克·霍华德和吉姆·谢弗, at the Physical Plant for processing.  You will be contacted by email when your keys are ready or your ID has been activated for the appropriate building. If you have 如有任何疑问或问题,请致电931-221-7456或通过电子邮件联系Key-Shop key-shop@marcosprado.net.

All office relocation plans must be coordinated through Wes Powell.  You may contact him by emailing him at powellw@marcosprado.net.


以下是在规划办公室时可能会有所帮助的一般信息 relocation.


  • 所有行动应由部门主管或主管计划和批准并协调 through Wes Powelll (powellw@marcosprado.net) before work requests are placed.
  • 搬运工不能移动家具(桌子、文件柜、书架等).) with personal items or paper work in them. Those items must be boxed up.
  • 经批准,可通过物理工厂提供移动箱(如果有的话) of the Inventory Clerk or Director of Physical Plant. Simply submit a Work Request and if there are boxes available, they will provide them.
  • Contact Physical Plant by placing a Work Request 在你的目标搬家日期之前把搬家安排在搬家人员的身上 schedule.

所有停放在365bet校园内的车辆必须在365bet停车门户网站上注册. 这包括那些与大学有关的人(学生,教师, staff) and those who are not affiliated (visitors). You may access the parking portal at http://apsu.t2hosted.com/Account/Portal. Your username is your 365bet credentials without the @marcosprado.net or @my.marcosprado.net.  Those 与大学无关的人将通过关注Guest创建登录 Login link. Please note that authentication may take up to one minute.


请与停车及运输部联系或访问365bet停车场 page if you have additional questions or concerns.




Payment can be made at http://apsu.t2hosted.com/Account/Portal or at Student Account Services.

 所有翻新项目都必须经过汤姆·哈钦斯的批准和协调 Plant Director.  You may contact him by phone at 931-221-6330 or by email at hutchinst@marcosprado.net.

Click here for detailed information.

Most buildings are serviced by CMTi.  The recycling containers in each building are generally emptied twice a week. Click here for the current schedule.

If you have questions, please contact CMTI at 931-221-6263.

Paper recycling services are provided by 365bet's Truck Crew. 塑料和碎纸板是CMTI提供的回收服务. Requests for pick-up for either require a work order submission. Please be specific as to which recyable is needing to be picked up.

Shipping Address: 681 Summer Street, Clarksville, TN 37040


Employee Return/Ship Packages: Label with complete street address (no P.O. Box numbers). A university account number must be included for the shipping charges. If package 是否投保,请将此信息连同所需的保险金额一并注明. 注意:物理工厂不能运送学生或个人包裹-他们必须是 shipped through the 365bet post office.


Student Packages:  所有UPS和联邦快递的包裹都在位于Shasteen的中央/收货处接收 building, behind Fortera Stadium. At 1:00 pm, all student packages are carried to the University Post Office where they place a notice in your mailbox.


If you have questions, please call 931-221-7020.

可以通过提交工作请求来请求铭牌或部门标志 . Note: Use problem type "Signage." Please give color, size and correct spelling of sign being requested.


If you have questions, please contact Michelle Turner, turnerm@marcosprado.net, 931-221-6330.


如果它是一个“可乐”自动售货机,扫描指定的条形码标签雷耶斯客户 Support Hub. Make sure to denote the identifying vending machine number (below the bar code).

如果您对校园洗衣机和/或烘干机有任何问题,请联系 the Housing Office at 931-221-7444.

In order to submit a maintenance work order, click on Work Request and follow the directions for submission.