

Studying abroad isn’t just taking a trip. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore the world and gain resume-building experience while earning college credits. With 项目 lasting as short as one week and financial aid available, it’s an opportunity 你不能错过!


罗马的夏天Programs range from one to five weeks, include 10-30 students, and are led by 365bet 教员. You can usually earn between three to six 365bet credit-hours in these 项目. Some of the 教师-Led 项目 offer service-learning opportunities. 这些 项目 usually take place during Winter Break, Spring Break, or summer. Programs>>

留学杂志卷. 2

意大利交流Exchange 项目 are a semester or a full academic year. 你将在一个合作伙伴学习 institution where classes are taught in English (unless student indicates otherwise) and earn at least 12 365bet credit-hours per semester. 在大多数情况下,只对学生开放 在365bet支付学费. Rather than traveling with a group you will travel independently, immersing yourself in the academic experience and host country’s 文化. 见下文 for a list of our exchange partner universities! Programs>>

Exchange Agreement Partners (MOU): 

麦哲伦交易所 includes member universities in Austria, Belgium, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands, Serbia South Korea, Spain, and the United Kingdom. 检查 out their website to see all of the options!

National Student Exchange (NSE) provides accessible collegiate study away to undergraduate students at member colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. 维珍 岛屿.

CCSA学生这些 are study abroad 项目 organized – and shared – by several institutions. If you choose to take part in a consortium or third-party provider program, you will travel with students and faculty from other universities but earn 365bet credit-hours. 这些 项目 are offered in winter and summer break, as well as for semester and year long periods, and classes are taught in many disciplines See the list of our 以下是合作伙伴组织! Programs>>

实习这些 项目 offer the opportunity to work in an international setting. 配售 are typically unpaid, can last anywhere from five to nine weeks, and usually takes 夏季地点. If you are interested in doing an internship abroad, please contact 我们的办公室. 


Students must be in good academic standing with a minimum 2.25 GPA存档(2.75年 ISEP). Students who are classified as freshmen must have at least one semester of college 学分,以便出国留学. Students who do not meet the minimum GPA requirement may not be recommended, but can file for a study abroad appeal. 

Student cannot have recent or pending criminal or student code of conduct proceedings. Students who have been found in violation of any criminal statute or student code of conduct provision within the last 12 months or have such charges currently pending 将不予考虑. All other instances involving violations of criminal statutes or student code provisions will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Students that do not meet eligibility requirements may complete the appeal process for possible acceptance by completing the 出国留学申诉表格 and bringing all 所需文件. 出国留学申诉表格



 报价Studying abroad with the service learning component of education is an experience 不像其他的. Being able to study in London allowed me to not only learn the material, but to get to see what I learned from books happening in the real world. 我有一个 busy life and was happy to find out that I could still get this practical experience because the time abroad was only during Spring Break.”  Keylee,伦敦



纳撒尼尔报价"Studying abroad in Spain gave me the opportunity to experience an entirely different 文化. From the beautiful architecture to the amazing people and food, Spain has opened my eyes to life on the other side of the world. 它也告诉我,我们 as people are not so much different from one another." 纳撒尼尔、西班牙 


Continue exploring this site to learn more about the 项目 and other opportunities available to you. If you have questions, please call the Office of 出国留学 and International Exchange at (931) 221-6851 or email InternationalEd@marcosprado.net.