



This competitive juried show honors the 艺术与设计系's outstanding student 艺术家们的辛勤工作和创造力. 这个节目是专业的 outside 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学, emulating the practice of real-world art shows. The 展览 showcases the array of artwork produced by students during the past academic year and allows students to participate in a professional 展览 where 由合格的评审团选出艺术作品和艺术优异奖.







资格:  Works must have been produced between January 2023 and March 2024 and not exhibited 曾在365bet的受伤学生展览中展出.  要提交作品,参赛者必须有 been enrolled during the 2023-2024 academic years at 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学.  All media are eligible for submission, but must be completed by the date of entry; 参赛作品不得更改或涂改.

入境限制: 每人4件作品


  • 我的.2月. 19 -开放网上提交资料的入口
  • 星期五2月. 23 -网上提交截止日期为晚上11:59
  • 星期五., 3月. 1 -在此日期或之前通知的学生
  • 3月结婚,. 27 -星期四., 3月. 28 -所有被接受的作品将在新画廊准备悬挂
  • 我的., 4月. 8 -实物展览开幕
  • 结婚,4月. 24 -招待会和颁奖仪式,下午5:30-7:30.m. 实物展览结束.
  • 碰头., 4月. 25 -艺术品领取开始. 10a-3p
  • 星期五., 4月. 26 -所有作品必须在3p前取件. (见招股说明书底部的取货时间)



Katie Delmez has been a curator at the 星期五st Art Museum since 2001. 她组织了 众多展览,包括 多样性:当代美国拼贴画中的黑人; LeXander Bryant: 为get Me Nots; Bethany Collins: Evensong; Terry Adkins: Our Sons 女儿们永远在祭坛上 (with Jamaal Sheats, Director and Curator, Fisk University Galleries); Murals of North Nashville Now; We Shall Overcome: Civil Rights and the Nashville Press, 1957–1968; Nick Cave: Feat.; Shinique Smith: Wonder and Rainbows; and Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons:旅程. She was also the curator of a major retrospective on photographer Carrie Mae Weems that traveled to four venues, including the Guggenheim Museum in New York. Ms. Delmez has been the editor of several accompanying books and overseen the presentation of 超过35个巡回展览在第一,如 Jeffrey Gibson: The Body Electric, Hearts of Our People: Native Women Artists, 30岁的美国人. She is a graduate of Vanderbilt University and Boston University.

奖 will be presented at the Reception/奖 Night on April 24, 2024. 来访的 juror will designate the following awards from the selected artwork:

  • 最佳表演奖:300美元
  • 评审团嘉许奖(二):$100
  • 个人表达奖:100美元
  • 最佳工艺奖:100美元
  • 最佳概念奖:100美元
  • 应用艺术史奖:100美元
  • 广场艺术用品基金会奖(2)- $50
  • 首届艺术博物馆学生会员奖(2名)- $25

The Art+设计 教师 will designate the following awards from the selected artwork:

  • 教师选择奖:100美元
  • *CECA采购奖- 1000美元的采购奖
  • *Hazel Smith Student Art Collection Award - $200 purchase award (3-dimensional work)



The filing of entry forms is an agreement to all terms and conditions in the prospectus.


参赛作品可透过 ArtCall.org (详情见艺术与设计系网站/链接). 每位艺术家可提交 最多四(4)件供考虑. 鼓励所有媒体:动画、陶瓷、 Drawing, Illustration, Intermedia, Mixed Media, Painting, 摄影, Printmaking, Sculpture, Graphic 设计, Foundations (Foundations I, II, III, Drawing I & (二)、视频 和时间艺术. 接受的提交格式: .jpeg, .pdf, .mp3, .mp4, .mov.

2 d条目: 摄影, printmaking, drawing, illustration, collage, painting, foundations 作品可以通过 .jpeg(最低. 540 px /最大(最大1920px). 平面设计 作品可以通过 .pdf或 .jpeg(最低. 540 px /最大(最大1920px).

3 d条目:陶瓷作品、雕塑、装置作品可通过 .jpeg(最低. 540 px /最大 1920px longest size) along with accompanying detail or alternative view (2nd 侧面).

视频和基于时间的媒体:动画、表演、实验均可提交 .mp3, .mp4,或 .mov文件 (video no longer than three (3) minutes must be presented for juror's review). 为 较长的视频,请提交视频剧照(.jpeg)以及URL链接导向 陪审员看了完整的录像. 对于“尺寸”,请列出的时间持续时间 一块.

协作作品和小组项目: Every 一块 that bears the student's name counts as one of their total number of 条目(我.e., entering one collaborative 一块 means each student can submit no more 而不是其他3件).


The jurying process will be conducted with consideration for juror discretion and 以下约束条件:物理空间的大小. 过大的工作或 works in sets will decrease the total number of accepted works, thus they will be 受到更严厉的惩罚.

接受通知将通过ArtCall发送电子邮件. 已接受作品的列表 will be posted outside the 艺术与设计系 office as soon as possible after 陪审团程序. 


Professional presentation of artwork is critical for an 展览.  新画廊 reserves the right to refuse accepted work that is deemed unsafe, or otherwise unsuitable 处理(i).e., poorly constructed, poorly framed or environmentally hazardous).

* ArtCall.机构入场收据: All accepted works brought to the gallery MUST be submitted with the ‘Submission 每件作品的背面标签. 条目收据可以在用户仪表板中找到 在ArtCall.org.

2 d条目: Accepted works on paper (photography, drawings, prints, graphic design) must be framed and behind plexiglass - not glass - and have wire 牢固地附着在作品的背面. 画作可以不用画框展示, 但是需要适当的布线.

  • If works on paper are larger than 30"x40", they do not have to be matted or framed, but hanging methods must be approved by Michael Dickins, Gallery Director, should 联系 立即 收到验收通知后.

3 d条目: Accepted 3D works will be displayed on pedestals or per instructions (to the best 我们的能力). 请联系Michael Dickins,画廊总监, 立即 在收到接受通知并附有任何指示后.

视频和基于时间的媒体:接受的基于时间的媒体应作为 .mov /.mp4 (用H编码.264/AVC, VC1,和MPEG1/2/4,高达1920x1080, 30fps, 10mbps) 文件在一个专用的u盘上.

  • Please ensure that your file plays in a standard media player prior to submission. 不播放的文件将不包含在展示中.

责任及保险: Every precaution will be taken in handling and display of artwork. 工作将会是 insured while in 新画廊 under 365bet's umbrella insurance policy. 展览 participants must refrain from touching their own or anyone else's artwork.

摄影: The 艺术与设计系 reserves the right to photograph accepted artwork 作推广用途. 维护展览和体验的完整性 of the visitor, photographing artwork for portfolios during the 展览 is prohibited.  Photographs for portfolios must be taken before artwork is submitted.

艺术品销售: 新画廊 and the 艺术与设计系 do not handle sales of artwork. If your work is for sale, please mark it as such during the submission process.  If a visitor is interested in purchasing artwork, the Gallery will forward the 赞助人's contact information to the artist and any transaction will be between the artist and 赞助人. We will not reveal the contact information of the artist without expressed 艺术家的书面同意. 任何售出的艺术品将不会被删除,直到 展览会已经结束了。.


作品必须交付给新画廊 3月27 - 28日 10 am-3pm之间. 为 special arrangements, please contact Michael Dickins, dickinsm@marcosprado.net. 展览期间,作品不得以任何理由被移走.


一个ArtCall.org领取艺术品时需出示“认领单”.  “声称门票” 可以在ArtCall的用户仪表板中找到.org. 艺术家必须提高他们的工作水平 from 新画廊 beginning 碰头day, 4月il 25 from 10am - 3pm. 4月星期五 从上午10点到下午3点.

  • Works that received a CECA Purchase Award do not need to be picked-up after the 展览. The work will be accessioned into 365bet’s Art Collection upon the completion of the 展览.
  • Work not picked up by 3pm on April 28 will be turned over to the 艺术系 +处置设计.